Don’t miss out….Building Learning Power gives your school a head start in taking full advantage of Wales’ ambitious new curriculum
Want to know more?
The Building Learning Power toolkit includes:
Blended learning programmes to tone up your students’ learning muscles
Techniques that transform classrooms into ‘Learning Gyms’
Approaches that turn teachers into ‘learning coaches’
Resources that structure evidence based improvements in every classroom
Blended learning programmes tuned to Primary or Secondary school needs.
Our offer
Select the Building Learning Power programme best suited to your needs and join our growing community of teachers in Wales
You will immediately qualify for 5 FREE student Learning Power Profiles and an introductory handbook
Quote SUCCESSFUL FUTURES when booking a programme for your school.
Don’t delay – Claim your offer today
Click here to take a look at the most popular programmes:
£25 buys our Successful Futures Taster Pack
This special offer Taster Pack contains:
Successful Futures Online Support Pack
Use this online taster pack to find out about the what, why and how of developing the sort of powerful learners envisaged in Wales’ Successful Futures curriculum.
The sections delve into the classroom activities and teaching techniques that will help you create:
- Ambitious Capable Learners
- Ethical Informed Citizens
- Enterprising Creative Contributors
- Healthy Confident Individuals
You can:
- Download copies of five At A Glance Cards…and print as many as you need
- Use the practical resources in classrooms
- Gauge where you are now with the downloadable quizzes and tools.
Building Learning Power with elli
This new introductory handbook will make you alive to the possibilities of engaging students with their Learning Power
Find out:
- what Learning Power is about and why we need to nurture it in students
- the research that lies behind it
- how to assess and monitor students’ progress in building their Learning Power
- how to begin using it in a classroom setting
- how Learning Power pervades and drives staff and school development.
The handbook includes a brief introduction to interpreting the scope and function of students’ Learning Power profiles.
Click here to take a look at some of the Successful Futures Online Support Pack
Get these two great resources to ignite your learning power for only £25
Our courses are written by teachers for teachers – teachers who want to share their successes.
Online programmes that:
- scaffold teacher learning communities…the engines of change
- are designed to ensure evidence based improvements
- offer researched content in immediately do-able form
Why not take a look at all our programmes…nothing ventured nothing gained.
And something for everyone
Long experience has shown us that schools have many different needs. Our menu of courses and resources reflects that, and offers a comprehensive range of teacher solutions, from on-line only learning units, through blended learning programmes, to online teaching resources, to classroom posters and books.
There truly is something for everyone
Take a look. We’ll have a programme or resource that fits your needs!
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